Monday, September 23, 2024

E-IR: "Omens for Uruguay’s Presidential Elections"


"Omens for Uruguay’s Presidential Elections"

Wilder Alejandro Sanchez and Caleb Mills


E-International Relations

23 September 2024

Originally published:

Uruguay will hold general elections on 27 October. As South American politics remain turbulent, Uruguay is one of the few remaining islands of stability and progressive thinking. Nevertheless, the situation remains complex as the country has several challenges. There are three main presidential candidates to replace President Luis Lacalle Pou (2020-present): Yamandú Orsi (Broad Front or Frente Amplio); Álvaro Delgado (National Party or Partido Nacional); and Andrés Ojeda (Colorado Party or Partido Colorado). Recent polls show that Orsi has over 40% of the vote, with Delgado in second with around 20%. If no candidate achieves over 50% of the votes in the first round, the two candidates with the most votes will have a run-off on 24 November.


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