Wednesday, August 21, 2024

WOTR: "South Korea’s Growing Role as a Major Arms Exporter: Future Prospects in Latin America"


 "South Korea’s Growing Role as a Major Arms Exporter: Future Prospects in Latin America"

Wilder Alejandro Sanchez and Hoshik Nam

War on the Rocks


21 August, 2024

Originally published:

The last few years have seen a surge in defense spending, particularly in regard to conventional defense technologies. “We’ve had a huge increase in demand from our European allies and partners over the last few years since the … invasion by the Russians in Ukraine,” Defense Security Cooperation Agency director James Hursch observed recently. U.S. industries are not the only suppliers benefiting from this surge in demand. South Korea has also dramatically expanded its global role as a defense technology supplier. In 2023, South Korea became one of the top 10 arms exporters in the world, exporting $14 billion worth of defense technology to 12 countries.

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Friday, August 16, 2024

Shephard Media: "AFRICOM calls out for new ISR UAVs"


"AFRICOM calls out for new ISR UAVs"

Wilder Alejandro Sanchez

Uncrewed Vehicles

Shephard Media

16 August, 2024

Originally published:

With the venerable MQ-9 Reaper drone being “legacy’ed out”, US Africa Command will require new long-range, long-endurance UAVs for ISR missions in a complex geopolitical environment.

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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Quoted in: "La mer Caspienne, futur nœud commercial central entre la Chine et l’Europe ?"


"La mer Caspienne, futur nœud commercial central entre la Chine et l’Europe ?"

By: Emma Collet


14 August, 2024

Originally published:

Commerce international. La route transcaspienne, qui relie la Chine à l’Europe par le Kazakhstan, le Caucase, la Turquie et la mer Noire, connaît un véritable essor depuis la guerre en Ukraine. Mais les problèmes d’infrastructure et de logistique demeurent.

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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Geopolitical Monitor: "Wales Going Green(er) with Wind Energy"


"Wales Going Green(er) with Wind Energy"

Wilder Alejandro Sanchez


Geopolitical Monitor

13 August, 2024

Originally published:

While Wales remains dependent on fossil fuels, Cardiff has made significant improvements in the past decade to become greener and achieve net zero by 2050; an upcoming milestone is generating 70% of its electricity consumption from renewable energy by 2030. Thankfully, the country’s turbulent domestic politics – First Minister Vaughan Gething resigned in July — have not affected the government’s long-term strategy of becoming greener.

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Monday, August 12, 2024

The Diplomat: "The World Nomad Games Return to Central Asia"


"The World Nomad Games Return to Central Asi"

Wilder Alejandro Sanchez

 Crossroads Asia

The Diplomat

8 August, 2024

Originally published:

Sports diplomacy gets a boost as Kazakhstan amps up to host the 5th World Nomad Games in September.

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Friday, August 9, 2024

Shephard Media: "Regent’s Viceroy seaglider prepares for trials"


"Regent’s Viceroy seaglider prepares for trials"

Wilder Alejandro Sanchez

Naval Warfare

Shephard Media

9 August, 2024

Originally published:

A US-based company has been preparing to test its full-scale prototype by late 2024 with potential for defence applications including intelligence, surveillance and rapid deployment in contested environments.

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Friday, August 2, 2024

Diplomatic Courier: "Kazakhstan seeks larger role in international peacebuilding"



"Kazakhstan seeks larger role in international peacebuilding"

Wilder Alejandro Sanchez

Diplomatic Courier

1 August 2024

Originally published:

Kazakhstan is boosting its international image as a supporter of international peace, with its diplomatic and peacekeeping initiatives, writes Wilder Alejandro Sánchez.

On 10 May, the Kazakhstani government hosted senior representatives from Armenia and Azerbaijan in Almaty to discuss how to achieve a lasting peace agreement. At about the same time, Kazakhstan deployed troops to the United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Golan Heights. As geopolitical tensions rise and the world becomes more divided, these initiatives help Kazakhstan increase its international image as a supporter of international peace.

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