Thursday, January 25, 2024

Presentation: How can rare earths help Central Asia’s energy transition?


"How can rare earths help Central Asia’s energy transition?"

Atlantic Council

23 January 2024


The development of many new technologies, particularly those crucial to the global energy transition, is dependent on rare earth elements (REEs), which has set off a global race to acquire them. With China holding a near monopoly on refining and mining REEs, assertive Chinese foreign policy has accelerated the West’s desire to diversify its REE supply chains. Central Asia is key to that diversification.

While Central Asia is a growing area of focus for the United States, evaluations of global REE endowments have continued to neglect the region. Proactive Western investment in the discovery and mining of Central Asia’s REEs is a crucial opportunity to diversify global REE supply chains and to support regional integration, sovereignty, and economic freedom among the Central Asian states.

A new report from the International Tax and Investment Center’s Energy, Growth, and Security Program, “Leveraging Central Asia’s Rare Earth Elements for Economic Growth,” analyzes the state of REEs development in Central Asia and the geopolitical opportunities for the region through maximizing the development and export of its rare earth deposits. Investment in the development of REEs can help increase economic growth in Central Asia and break China’s rare earth dominance, while producing components essential to the green energy transition.


Ariel Cohen
Nonresident Senior Fellow, Eurasia Center
Atlantic Council

Suriya Evans-Pritchard Jayanti
Nonresident Senior Fellow, Eurasia Center
Atlantic Council

Yerlan Galiyev
Chairman of the Board
National Geological Survey of Kazakhstan

Ambassador John Herbst
Senior Director, Eurasia Center
Atlantic Council

Wesley Hill
International Program Manager, Energy, Growth, and Security Program
International Tax and Investment Center

Wilder Alejandro Sánchez
Second Floor Strategies


Interview: " Освоение ресурсов редкоземельных элементов и будущее Центральной Азии"



"Освоение ресурсов редкоземельных элементов и будущее Центральной Ази" / "Development of rare earth resources and the future of Central Asia"

KazInform (Kazkahstan)

25 January 2024

Originally published:

Зачем нужно создать Центр изучения редкоземельных элементов

Президент «Second Floor Strategies» Алехандро Уайлдер (Alejandro Wilder) сообщил, что по проведению политики в отношении редкоземельных элементов в регионе прогресс виден в Казахстане и Узбекистане.

Эксперт считает, что необходимо создание «Центральноазиатского центра изучения редкоземельных элементов» для информирования потенциальных заказчиков и инвесторов о богатстве редкоземельных ресурсов, которыми располагает регион.


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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Shephard Media: Brazilian Navy looks to ‘homemade’ solutions to replace decommissioned ships


"Brazilian Navy looks to ‘homemade’ solutions to replace decommissioned ships"

Wilder Alejandro Sanchez

Naval Warfare

Shephard Media

18 January, 2024

Originally published:

A “Made in Brazil” mantra has been adopted by the Brazilian Navy to secure the future of its fleet following the decommissioning of approximately 40% of the service’s ships.

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Geopolitical Monitor: Bolivia Aims to Break into Rare Earths Market


"Bolivia Aims to Break into Rare Earths Market"

Wilder Alejandro Sanchez

Situation Report

Geopolitical Monitor

18 January, 2024

Originally published:

In early January, Bolivia’s Minister of Mining Marcelino Quispe López announced that surveying and prospecting for rare earth elements (REEs) in the South American country had yielded promising results. In other words, Bolivia could, in the future, add REE exports to its long list of exported minerals. The other side of the coin is that the country’s dependence on mining will not change anytime soon.

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Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Shephard Media: Peruvian Navy boosted by shipyard SIMA’s progress


"Peruvian Navy boosted by shipyard SIMA’s progress"

Wilder Alejandro Sanchez

Naval Warfare

Shephard Media

9 January, 2024

Originally published:

SIMA has been manufacturing vessels and modernising submarines to expand the capabilities of the Peruvian Navy’s fleet.

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Monday, January 8, 2024

Interview: The US expert supports the country's multivector foreign policy"


"АҚШ сарапшысы еліміздің көп векторлы саясатын қолдайды" /"The US expert supports the country's multivector foreign policy"

Khabar 24 (Kazakhstan)

Originally published:


Қазақстан әлемдегі күрделі экономикалық, геосаяси жағдайларға қарамастан сыртқы саясатын тыңғылықты, тиянақты жүргізіп келеді. Президент Қасым-Жомарт Тоқаевтың «Егемен Қазақстан» газетіне берген сұхбатына пікір білдірген америкалық сарапшы Уайлдер Санчес осылай дейді. 

 Уайлдер Алехандро Санчес, консалтингтік фирма президенті: «Қазақстан өзінің көп векторлы сыртқы саясатымен белгілі. Президент Тоқаевтың сұхбатынан бұл ұстанымның эволюциясын байқадым. Мұны көп векторлы сыртқы саясат 2.0 деп атасақ болады. Қазақстан қазіргі күрделі геосаяси сын қатерлерді сауатты еңсеріп қана қоймай, оны мүмкіндік ретінде де пайдаланып келеді. Ресеймен де, Қытаймен де байланыстарын сақтай отырып, АҚШ, Европа секілді батыс елдерімен сауда саттықты тереңдетіп жатыр. Оған Транскаспий дәлізінің қарқынды дамып жатқаны дәлел».


Tuesday, January 2, 2024

International Policy Digest: "Quito’s Burning Priorities: President Noboa’s Trial by Fire in Ecuador"


"Quito’s Burning Priorities: President Noboa’s Trial by Fire in Ecuador"

Wilder Alejandro Sanchez and Caleb Mills

International Policy Digest

26 December 2024

Originally published:

In early November, Ecuador’s President-elect Daniel Noboa arrived in Washington with a critical mission: to lay the groundwork for his impending administration. As the son of Ecuador’s wealthiest man, Noboa’s visit had significant implications. His agenda included crucial meetings at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, where he conveyed a stark reality. Noboa emphasized that Ecuador’s path to economic recovery hinged on international aid, underscoring the severity of the nation’s financial challenges.

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