"Kazakhstan-Africa Relations: Building Partnerships"
Wilder Alejandro Sanchez
Africa Up Close blog
Africa Program - Wilson Center
01 June, 2022
Originally published: https://africaupclose.wilsoncenter.org/kazakhstan-africa-relations-building-partnerships/
study of the relations between African states and the rest of the world
tends to focus on the “usual suspects,” meaning global powers such as
China, Russia, and the United States. Relations with blocs like the
European Union are also studied. Similarly, countries like France and
Portugal (given their colonial past) continue to have strong, if
controversial, relations with several African nations, while India, and
Turkey have in recent years increased their diplomatic and commercial
activities. Moreover, other states are looking to create and develop a
relationship with African nations and have carried out interesting
initiatives in recent years. One example is Kazakhstan.
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